Manny's Blog

Sharing our French adventure as we live and work and renovate our forever home in the Haute Loire.

All posts in: “Christmas”

The Staircase, Christmas ’23 and lots of Snow

I want to get things up to date – we’ve just celebrated the summer solstice for goodness sake, and this post has been waiting a few months to be uploaded !! So here’s a quick whizz through the missing bits of house progress and family life ! The staircase I know I’ve talked about the…

March winds

Here we are in mid-March already! I guess it’s a good sign that time passes so quickly these days! Or maybe it’s just a sign of getting old! We’ve been working on our home here in Solignac for more than six years now, (we got the keys in January 2017) and living in the house…

A Blue Skied Autumn and the first snow of winter

Quite a cliffhanger I left you dangling on in June… the night of our darling, beautiful grandson Oscar’s birth. Sorry about that! As always I thought I’d be back to my blog sooner… but as always, it’s taken longer than expected to get back here! Oscar is now six months old (nearly seven months!)- he…

Christmas… so last year!

We had ourselves a Merry Little Christmas here in Solignac – even though we couldn’t all be together physically, we were all with our loved ones, and we were together in spirit. Beth’s Christmas video this year summed up our year with such grace…and her beautiful voice. And with all the difficulties and obstacles and…

End of year reflection

I’m catching a quiet moment today, before 2019 officially comes to a close, to reflect on this emotional year. This time last year I was back in the UK with Mum, leaving poor Joe still in early recovery from his finger surgery. We’d only just moved into the house, Arty was in Canada, and we…

And we’re in – Happy New Year to one and all!!

Our first Christmas in Solignac! What a momentous thing! Absolutely loved every minute of it! Before we go any further, here’s our Bethy’s wonderful Christmas video for this year – rounding up 2018 for us. We think it’s her best ever! I have to confess that with Arty on his travels, and so much of…

Let the New Year begin!

So 2018 is upon us it seems – it arrived so fast my head is spinning! Hope you had the most wonderful of Christmases and the New Year celebration of your choice! (Ours was a cosy, quiet and extremely relaxed affair!) Before you read any further, please take a look at this year’s Christmas video…

The Christmas Videos…and a happy new year!

It was a truly wonderful Christmas here this year – very relaxed, simple and calm – full of laughter and quietly precious family moments…. and an awful lot of (though I say it myself) fabulous food!  As is now an annual tradition,  Beth made a family video as our Christmas card, and  I just wanted…

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Nope…. it’s still not snowing! But we put the tree up yesterday, and it looks beautiful! I’ve had literally no spare time, and I’ve really missed writing my blog, so thought I’d grab this little window tonight to give a quick update… don’t know why it feels so important, but I guess this just feels…

Christmas joy to one and all

I love Christmas at the best of times… and this is the best of times! We put our tree up on Wednesday. Luke and Harry came home for the night – and built a sturdy stand – I made mince pies… and mulled wine… (and carrot soup rather bizarrely – had a lot of carrots…