6 months later!
Hello again – I can’t believe I’ve managed to let 6 months pass without a word!
Finally there are pauses in the mayhem, and I thought I’d treat myself to a moment’s catch up!
So 2012 – turning out to be a rather splendid year for all of us!

Feeling Lucky!
I’ve been teaching my socks off!
Had a glorious send off from my “seconde” students (15/16 year olds) when the teacher I was covering came back part-time from maternity leave. (So now we share the hours).
I had a ball with them! This year, after Christmas, we worked on “Differences”: We watched “Hairspray”; played Jessie J; looked at racial segregation in the US; and finished with a project making an anti-bullying music video to Pink’s “Perfect”. I have to concede a huge debt to Harry for thinking of using the song… and to my talented editor daughter Beth for some seriously classy editing!! The finished result was really quite something in my view – Please take a look, and feel free to spread it around!
So I have been teaching Premieres only, (Harry’s year), until a few weeks ago, when I took on 10 extra hours a week to cover a sick teacher until the end of term… which is mercifully coming up this week!
Still loving the teaching – love my students, each and every one of them, and so hope I get to come back for more next school year!
On May 11th I hit the big five-oh! Still find it hard to believe – but hey – it seems to be true so I’d better get used to it!
Had a wonderful celebration… two in fact!
On my actual birthday about 30 friends gathered on a gorgeous sunny evening up at L’ours Maçon to drink punch in the setting sun, over-looking one of my favourite views of all time – then listened to the knock-out Marc-Andre Leger in concert… a perfect way to mark the big day.
Then I went back to the UK and saw Mum and Tara Sasha and Sophie, and we had a magical meal together, just the five of us… very special indeed!
We’ve had snow, freezing temperatures (three break-downs with frozen fuel…-20*)
…a fair few storms;
The arrival of the spectacular spring jonquils:
Followed by a little more snow…
And finally summer seems to have arrived… and aren’t we ready for it!
Joe’s having a fab year, with work flowing in for 43 Media, and some really great stuff too. He’s designing the set for a huge theatre show in Berlin, called Show Me,
and this has really turned our fortunes around. Everything is slotting in to place… happy children, happy grown ups…
When time allows during the summer I’ll don my producer’s cloak again and we’ll get “If you ever get to heaven” out there by hook or by crook… and that’s a promise!
Bring on a summer of friends visiting, BBQs and long evenings sipping rosé and drinking beer!
What happened to the family trip site