Hello again!
It’s been a while… but it feels like a good time for a catch up!
I was telling a friend about how much I loved writing my blog – reflecting on where I am and what I’m doing with my life… and I realised with astonishment that I last updated more than two years ago! So much has happened since then – we’ve moved house – Luke is living and working in Paris (after 18 months in Ireland)
– Harry and Armel are now in Stockholm! (after a year in Paris)…
Beth is in her second year at lycée… where I am still thrilled to be teaching full time,
Arty is in his last year at college and takes his brevet this school year.
Joe and I have recently bought a camper-van – so we can hit the road again whenever possible – and life is pretty darn good!
So…first things first – and the reason I’ve rediscovered my blog…My lovely uber-talented friend Jules had started ‘up-cycling’ old furniture in her spare time – and it is truly beautiful… I challenged her to write a blog, about her new business, but also her intelligent witty musings on life, as every Facebook post she writes either makes me laugh or cry… and she did it!
Huge Respect, Jules…(and a fair bit of pride too!)
Here it is – do take a look and share and follow – she’s good!
– please take a look and her Facebook page and if you are anywhere near her in Swanage get yourself a piece of original, lovingly restored furniture for a song…
Back on the open road…
So the camper van- what can I say? We fell in love with it the minute we saw it- and seriously couldn’t have asked for a more perfect couple to buy it from. Immaculately clean, immaculately looked after…and only 50k on the clock! We are over the moon with it! Took it to Lake Annecy a few days after we bought it… And I can’t tell you how much it meant to us to be out on the open road again – pulling over for a cup of tea – waking up to a spectacular new view… Brought back so many happy bus memories. It was all we’d hoped for and so much more!
This weekend we went to another Lake, a little closer to home – Naussac…
There’s something about the conversations that arise when you’re away from domestic life that just reframe and put things in perspective…
Now planning a trip in the camper to see Harry and Armel in Sweden! Time to start clocking up some Kilometres again!
Thank you for catching up with me – I’ll try to be back soon!
Oh now I want to read more ….. But there is no more …..
Thank you Karen!! There will be!
I read somewhere that you went to sing at an old friend’s 50th in Paris. And then you mentioned that you and Saul got the stage ready…. Is that Saul who was in Frinton? Does he live in France, too??????
Hi Karen – yup Saul lives in France too! Just outside Paris!