Good Bye 2011 and a big optimistic hello to 2012!
Time to kiss 2011 goodbye and raise a glass to 2012.
It’s been a very mixed year for many of the people I love: enormous and unexpected losses, some serious highs and lows…but some wonderful new friendships and new beginnings to nurture in 2012.
2011 – the year I lost my magnificent and precious Dad
2011 – the year I re-discovered my singing voice
2011 – the year I started teaching English in lycée… braving the staffroom and parents evenings; calling registers and marking homework!
2011 – the year Joe and I celebrated 21 years of marriage…
another year where my extraordinary family gave meaning to everything I did…
and added love, laughter and support through good times and bad.
And so we start another new year, full of hope and optimism…
Hopes and Dreams for 2012
This year I’m hoping for a chance to sing with a band – the seeds have been sown… oh please let them flourish!
This year promises a little more financial stability… oh please let it be so!
If you ever get to heaven – we shall keep on trucking.. need to make some strategic decisions and get it out there come what may!
This year… in May… I shall be 50… taking my time to get my head round that one, and decide just how I want to celebrate this astonishing event!
So to all who have taken the time to read this far – Thank you for your support! And here’s to a wonderful, healthy, happy, exciting, healing, dynamic, awesome year ahead… May all our hopes and dreams come true – I think we deserve it!!
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