Manny's Blog

Sharing our French adventure as we live and work and renovate our forever home in the Haute Loire.

Christmas… so last year!

We had ourselves a Merry Little Christmas here in Solignac – even though we couldn’t all be together physically, we were all with our loved ones, and we were together in spirit. Beth’s Christmas video this year summed up our year with such grace…and her beautiful voice. And with all the difficulties and obstacles and…

Summer on the farm!

As we approach the end of September, I can hardly believe it’s been more than four months since I last wrote a blog! The year of Covid strangeness meant a summer at home, with very little travelling for Joe and I, however we were truly blessed to catch a month with Beth here in France,…

Lockdown Birthdays and Anniversaries …and Nairobi!

One month almost to the day since my last blog, one month more in ‘confinement’, and how does it feel now? We have definitely settled in to a ‘new normal’ and a slower more conscious rhythm to our life, but at the same time we start de-confinement today, 11th May… my birthday! And whilst it’s…

A different world…

We’re coming to the end of our fourth week of lockdown during this extraordinary global pandemic. I’ve been thinking I really want to write this blog as a reminder of this unprecedented time in years to come – when life is hopefully a little less extreme… I wonder if things will ever feel the same…

Each day is my Valentine’s day …

It’s Valentine’s weekend, and nothing says ‘I Love You’ like time spent renovating together! To business… All energy is currently centered on the business side of the house… our office below and the studio above. The office I have continued furiously pasting and sanding the office walls and ceiling, desperate to get some paint on…

End of year reflection

I’m catching a quiet moment today, before 2019 officially comes to a close, to reflect on this emotional year. This time last year I was back in the UK with Mum, leaving poor Joe still in early recovery from his finger surgery. We’d only just moved into the house, Arty was in Canada, and we…

October 2019 …and beyond

Just a quickie, as I had so much catching up to do last time – I’d decided to be a bit more disciplined! Ha ha …. and now it’s November! The Office takes shape We’re moving on apace with the electrical installation and the plasterboard frames – Having used wood for all the stud walls…