And now…
Found it quite difficult to plot the next part of this journey after the initial buzz of setting our plans in motion by declaring them so publicly. What I’ve realised is that I need more clarity – sometimes you don’t know what it is your aiming for until you push it into action.
This was very much the case with our “welcome to the world adventure” – but very different from the making of the film. With our travels, the shape and duration, the rhythm and the lifestyle were completely flexible, and formed themselves as the trip unfolded. Our only deadline was our departure date, and after that we were free spirits – no-one waiting for us, and beholden to nobody… it was magic, and one of the goals of the whole adventure.

Italian sunset
With the film, of course, everything had to be planned to the minutest detail – locations, actors and crew booked; costumes and props found and made;

The boys making the cash!

Beth and I be-jewelling Elvis' jacket
flights; cars; catering… we had to stick rigidly to the schedule, and even unforseen re-arrangements and changes couldn’t alter the basic time-frame.
I guess the “Throw me a rope” road trip is caught somewhere between the two – ultimately we will have to have a very clear structure with some firm deadlines… but between those fixed points, I‘d like to think there’ll be a fluidity to give us the freedom to go with the flow, make plans according to who we meet where and when, and keep things spontaneous.
Early conclusions – I think our friend Charlie in New York is right, (from the few kind but clear responses, or lack of them, so far) that independent cinemas are not going to be in a position to offer us screenings, even with Premiere excitement and Q & A sessions attached. I shan’t give up, but I do understand their position… would I go and see an un-proven film I knew nothing about? probably not without a personal connection or invite of some kind. Also the stress of trying to secure an audience for a public venue without even being in town to organise publicity would be huge.
So this is useful and idea – shaping…
We need to be personally connected to our audience. We need to be invited to a college or summer-school; and pursue this idea of home screenings I think. Situations where we will have control, and combine screenings with social events. Mix and meet people – really develop this idea of “film parties”. Whilst going all out for the summer-time festivals; where the audience is already there geared to try a new film.
As always – all thoughts or ideas gratefully received – please pass the blog on to anyone you think might want to get involved… Any drama/music groups who might be interested in booking us in for a novel night? Any local charity event that might fancy a film screening as a fund-raiser… and please subscribe to the blog for updates so I can keep everyone onboard up-to-date… there’s a little subscription button up top…
Watched the “Rocky Horror Picture Show” with the family last night – thought it was time they shared this formative part of their parents youth! Looked kind of creaky after so long, but great fun…Joe and I managed not to sing along throughout, but it took some will-power!
Hi Manny,
have you thought about linking it to some charity – perhaps fro families of American servicemen. It is such a family film and the whole family are involved and inspiring.
They did a comedy festival in Swanage for Help for heroes and the tickets sold out –
just a thought!
Then the publicity can be family focused – what a family can do together –
Tara xxx
I’ve been thinking about that funnily enough – I’ve always enjoyed mixing charity and creativity – it makes the whole self-promotional thing so much more comfortable. Will pursue, thank you!! x